Hey everyone~just wanted to let you all know that I am having computer issues (had to send it it for service), so I will be gone for a while longer. I'm really missing reading all my favorite blogs & I have lots of things to post. Hopefully I will get my computer back soon.
Missing you all!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A Furry Friend
Wow!! Another beautiful day here. I love these warm Autumn days. I think this little guy was enjoying the warm weather too. He is sneaking onto my porch to snag some corn off my stalks. I don't need it~he's welcome to it as long as he doesn't make a mess.
I'm off to enjoy the wonderful evening. Enjoy your day!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I Love Hooking Part 2
What a wonderful fall day we're having here in Southern Wisconsin. It's 75 degrees & the sun is shining!! Too bad I had to work from 7-1 today & have to go back & work 5p.m. to 9p.m. I'm so enjoying the warmth of the day. I thought I would quick post some more pics of my hooked pieces. All but the first picture reside on my Halloween tree. Excuse the bad pics, I wanted to post these & took them fast (a couple are a little blurry & the last one is really hard to make out). Oh well~hope you enjoy them anyway. I would love to take credit for these lovelies, but alas, I purchased them all from various talented ladies.
Boo pocket
My Halloween tree
Pumpkin head~love his jolly face
Candy corn
Pumpkin pocket
Well~back to work I go :(
Enjoy your day!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I Love Hooked Rugs
How are you all doing today?? It's my day off & I'm working on items for my next craft show which is in 2 weeks. It's a beautiful fall day~the sun is shining & the temps are in the low 60's. Perfect in my book!!
I love hooked rugs & even though I don't have time to make them anymore, I still love them & have quite a few. I will be sharing some of them in the next few days. I only have one pic to share today, but I do love these guys. I made them about 5 years ago & they come out to visit me each Fall.
Well~break time is over. I need to get back to work on my goodies. I have a full work week this week & need to take advantage of any time off.
I'll be back later (I'm sure) to check out some of my fav blogs.
Enjoy your day~Becky
Friday, October 1, 2010
It's Time to Announce the Winner...er Winners
Happy Friday Friends~
What a wonderful day it was today (too bad I had to work). I hope you all had a wonderful day. I'm off for the next 3 days & I'm really looking forward to it. Blah, blah, blah.....Have you tuned out yet? Saying just get on with it??? Well~here goes...... but first I would like to welcome all my new followers, thank all of you who posted my giveaway on your blogs, & all your wonderful comments. Some day I may try to figure out the random number generator thingy, but this time I wrote out all the entries & threw them in one of my handy, dandy bowls. As you can see, there are a lot of names in there.

Stephen (younger of my two boys) did the honor of picking the winning name. Before I reveal the winner, I would like to tell you a little story. Not too long.... Stephen didn't want to do this for me & hubby just rolls his eyes. So I convince Stephen to pick the winner if I only take a pic of his hand~and he pulls out 2 names. There were 2 pieces of paper stuck together. So instead of trying again, I decided to give each of the names on the paper a gifty. The first name will get the witch crow, penny rug, & candle, & the second winner will get a pumpkin penny rug. Are you ready for the names yet? Or did you already scroll down & peek??
Winner number 1~ Lauren Rugs & Pugs.
Winner number 2~Lecia Farmhouse Prims. I figure Lecia must have really wanted to win cuz her entry was hanging onto Laurens entry for dear life.
Well ladies~email me with your addresses & I will get your packages out ASAP.
Thank you so much for entering & I'm sure I'll have another giveaway when I hit 150 followers. You know, I'm pretty close. I'm thinking the next one will be a winter theme.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
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